Travel Advice – Holiday vaccinations

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required.  It is important to make this appointment as early as possible preferably 6 weeks before but at least 4 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work. Most vaccines are kept in stock. Our practice nurse can also provide travel/health advice. Please ask at reception for an appointment with the practice nurse.

To be able to have your travel vaccine at the surgery or travel advice please complete the travel assessment form and bring into the surgery.
• Download a PDF and print out and bring to the surgery
Download a Word document, complete and bring it with you or email the form to us:

Payment for vaccinations

We reviewed our policy on providing holiday vaccines free of charge on 1st January 2018.

Vaccinations for the following conditions are usually available free on the NHS:

• Diphtheria, Polio and Tetanus booster 
• Hepatitis A
• Meningitis C
• Typhoid

You will usually have to pay for the following vaccinations for overseas travel:

• Hepatitis B (see below)

Hepatitis B

The hepatitis B vaccine is usually given free of charge to people in high-risk groups for hepatitis B. However, your GP is not obliged to give the hepatitis B jab free if:

  • They think you’re not at risk 
  • You need the jab because of your job 

Some employers may have arrangements with a GP or other healthcare service to provide the vaccine free for their employees.  This should be checked with employers before booking an appointment.

If you need the hepatitis B jab because you’re travelling abroad, you will have to pay for it.


If you require a prescription for Malaria medication then it is a private prescription which there will be a charge for or you can get medication over the counter at the pharmacy.


  • Private Prescription £15.00
  • Hepatitis B  course of 3 – £111.00
  • Hepatitis B dose 4 (accelerated dose) £37.00

If you are going on a multi destination holiday or going to a more exotic area that has higher risk then you would need to attend the travel clinic. The closest travel clinics are Chester and Liverpool.