Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Next Meeting Date 14th May 2025
Time: 11AM
Venue: Methodist Chapel Neston Road, Neston CH64 2TL
The PPG is made up of a group of volunteer patients and staff from the practice, they meet on a regular basis to discuss the services on offer, and how improvements can be made for the benefit of patients and the practice. The beauty of PPGs is that there is no set way in which they work – the aims and work of each group entirely depends on local needs – but they all have the aim of making sure that their practice puts the patient, and improving health, at the heart of everything it does.
Minutes from previous meetings
The PPG is run by a small committee of patients and practice staff and is essentially whatever the patients would like it to be. We are always keen to hear from patients who would be willing to devote a little time to helping the PPG either as a committee member, or with the organisation and running of events, or have ideas for information sessions and events.
The aims of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) are as follows:
- To encourage a positive relationship between the patients and the surgery staff, both medical and administrative
- To have a voice for the patient in the practice
- To organise information sessions on medical and related topics of interest to patients
- To help with the organisation of self-help groups for patients
- To help raise funds for the purchase of extra equipment requested by the professional medical team.
- To be realistic about what you can achieve and to look for small changes that can make a real difference.
- To work constructively and positively to help identify solutions and to work in partnership with the practice and other local organisations.
- Carrying out research to find out what matters to patients and discussing the findings with the practice.
- To encourage patients to engage in their own healthcare.
The PPG is NOT, however, a channel for complaints. There is a system in place for dealing with any complaints you may have, details of which you can contact us.
Details of events organised by the PPG will be displayed on the practice notice board in the waiting room of the surgery, or ask at Reception for more details.
Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to from this e-mail address.
If you would like us to keep you up to date on PPG Activities please contact us.
Meetings will be held every 2 months (or more often if deemed necessary) these last for about an hour and half. Minutes of meetings will be available on the web site and from the Surgery.
For more information, please visit the National Association for Patient Participation website –