Appointments with our Practice Nurse Karen are available throughout the week for the monitoring of all long term conditions including COPD, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Stroke Prevention along with Cervical Smears, Contraception Reviews and Sexual Health advice. The surgery will contact patients when their annual review is due.  

Childhood Immunisations are also carried out at the surgery weekly, please contact the surgery to book in. 

Travel Vaccinations 

As of August 2023, we are slowly introducing the free NHS travel vaccinations we are able to provide. Patients enquiring about travel vaccinations will be sent a questionnaire to complete and return to the surgery, be booked in for a phone call with our Practice Nurse and appropriate advice given/appointments arranged. 

Self-Referral Physiotherapy appointments are available to book via the Patient Assistant Team. This simply means if you have sprains/strains, Back Pain, Trapped Nerves, Joint Arthritis, Neck Pain or Whiplash and you havent already seen a GP in relation to this, you can make a telephone appointment to speak with a phyisotherapist to assess your need. The physio team will then take over the arranging of any further appointments you require.

Doctors can also undertake non-NHS examinations and paperwork for pre-employment, insurance, taxi medical, HGV, fitness to travel etc. These are by special appointment only and a fee is payable. Please note this service is not NHS and therefore does not take priority, there can be a long waiting time for forms to be completed and similar for medicals to be completed due to the volume of requests increasing tremendously over the last 2 years, the timescale is only a guide and not definitive. GP clinics dealing with patient care will take priority.

Community staff such as Health Visitors, District Nurses, Midwives and MacMillan Nurses are all contactable directly and not via the surgery. 

Counselling can be access via self-referral to NHS Talking Therapies provided by CWP: Talking Therapies - Cheshire West :: Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (

Referrals: E-Referral service (previously called Choose and Book)

Most referrals from the practice to hospital specialists are sent via the secure NHS electronic referral service (ERS). Please be aware there are currently long waiting lists for most specialities in secondary care. The surgery is unable to advise on current wait times for hospitals, please use the below contact numbers (or the contact number provided on your referral paperwork that is posted to you) to find out this information. 

If you have been referred to Arrowe Park please call 0151 604 7501 to chase up your referral or if you have been referred to the Countess of Chester Hospital please call 01244 366 663 to chase up your referral.